Plastic Free July – The Benefits of Going Plastic Free.

The plastic Free July challenge has ended. How many of you joined the challenge?

Now. The question is – Can we keep the “challenge” going beyond the month of July? Here are some benefits of going plastic free to keep you all motivated!


With more than eight million tonnes of waste going into the oceans every year, it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish by 2050 and 99 percent of all the seabirds on the planet will have consumed some. It is thought the sea now contains some 51 trillion microplastic particles – 500 times more than stars in our galaxy. Additionally, plastics in landfills leak harmful chemicals into the soil damaging which eventually pollute our soil and groundwater. If each and every one of us reduces our plastic usage by half, we will be doing a lot of good to our planet earth.


There is a real risk of the BPA and phthalates from plastic leaking into our food and even beauty products. BPA is a form of carcinogens that could cause cancer in the human body. Depending on the amount of plastic in our lives, this can have a huge impact on our health. There has been an increase of BPA free plastic free products on the market but what do the manufacturers replace the BPA with?

If this is not convincing enough to make you think twice before using a plastic product, Professor Frank Kelly, an expert in environmental health from King’s College London suggested that plastic maybe contaminating our air!

Read the article here.


Before we reach out to make an impulse purchase, living plastic-free make us slow down to think our purchase. We become a more conscious shopper and ultimately we start saving money.


If the toxins in the plastic can leak into our food and beauty products. How about the plastic toys? Children, in general, have a lower immunity than adults and quite often enough these toys end up in the mouth. It would be safe for us to presume that the toxin could leak into the children’s body when toys are being gnawed on. Think twice before you make another plastic toy purchase.

Need more convincing. Here is a list of 10 shocking facts about the plastic pollution created by Earth Day Network. The full article can be found here.

Let’s keep the Plastic Free July spirit going!

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