
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope you are finding my blog helpful and interesting. I created this blog in hope that it will help people to live a healthier and more sustainable life by providing some easy to follow tips and guidance.

There are three sections in this blog: –

  1. Yoga &Wellness – In this section, you will find some tips and information on how to live a more sustainable life, meditation, and yoga as well as healthy recipes. Basically, anything that is related to yoga and wellness.
  2. Fashion – In this section I share some tips on fashion ranging from trends, inspirations, introduction to ethical brands. Anything fashion related.
  3. Life – You will have a glimpse into my life as an entrepreneur, a mum, and a wife. I share anything that is related to my life from my entrepreneur journey to interesting places, traveling and parenting.

So… Who is Kee?

mulled wine beach kee lin low

I am a yoga instructor trained in Raja Dhiraja Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Chair Yoga, Fly Yoga, and meditation. I am also a personal stylist, a psychology of eating coach as well as the founder of Yoga Konnect and Kapsule Personal Styling.

Coming from a legal background, I had the first-hand experience of the stresses in the corporate world which led me to set up Yoga Konnect – a workplace yoga and wellness company. Yoga Konnect’s missions are to encourage and help companies to incorporate yoga and wellness programmes in the workplace. Making the workplace a happy place for everyone.

Kapsule Personal Styling was founded out of my passion to help individuals to realize their full potential in life, using personal styling as a tool. Kapsule Personal Styling uses a unique Mind. Body. Style Approach in that we seek to understand our clients on a deeper level (the MIND), we then use the science of fashion styling to identify what suits our clients’ BODY then connecting the two to create the unique personal STYLE that truly represents our clients’ authentic self. A personal brand that brings abundance to our clients’ lives.

Don’t be shy to send me any question you have or share your life journey with me. I would love to hear from you!


With love,

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