A Simple Guide to Meditation

Been wanting to learn meditation but unsure of how to start? Here’s a simple guide to meditation using a technique called “Sama Vritti” which is suitable for even a total beginner.

1) Start easy – Start with just 2 minutes per session then slowly build it up to longer durations.

2) Set aside time to do it and be consistent – Choose a good time to do it. It can be in the morning (as soon as you wake up) or in the evening (before you go to bed). Set a meditation reminder on your phone. Make sure that you have your meditation practice at the same time every day.

3) Just do it! Don’t get caught up on the “how” – Don’t worry about how to sit. Where to sit. Start by just sitting on your bed, chair, couch or even on the ground. Just somewhere quiet and comfortable.

4) How are you feeling? – Once you sit down, start connecting with yourself and check how you are feeling in your body and mind. Any tightness in your body? Perhaps you are feeling tired? Anxious? Relaxed? Happy? Angry? Observe those feelings and thoughts. There are no good or bad emotions. FEEL what you are feeling. Notice and observe your emotions. Then slowly start to settle down.

5) Feel your breath – Now that you are settled. Start noticing your breath. Just breath naturally in and out through your nose.

6) Count your breath – As you inhale, count 1, 2, 3, 4. As you exhale count 1, 2, 3, 4. You can make the counting slower or faster, longer or shorter. There is no hard and fast rule. Most importantly, you should feel comfortable with it.

7) Come back when your mind wander. – If your mind wanders. Just smile and return to your breath and counting. It’s perfectly OK to not stay focused, it’s human nature. Our brains are thought factories, and we can’t just shut them down. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Meditation is a practice. Slowly but surely you will improve.

8Practice, Practice, Practice – Keep practicing. Be kind and loving to yourself. There will surely be days that your mind might wander more. Don’t beat yourself up!  “[Do your] Practice and all is coming” (Ashtanga Guru Sri K Pattabhi Jois).

Prepared by Yoga Konnect – Workplace Yoga and Wellness.




Oprah Winfrey

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